• STEP 01

    인증 및 약관동의

  • STEP 02

    회원정보 입력

  • STEP 03

    회원가입 완료

휴대폰 인증

이름을 입력하세요.
휴대폰번호를 입력하세요.
인증번호를 입력하세요.
제한 시간 3:00 인증에 성공하였습니다. 인증에 실패하였습니다.

이메일 인증

이름을 입력하세요.
이메일을 입력하세요.
인증번호를 입력하세요.
제한 시간 3:00 인증에 성공하였습니다. 인증에 실패하였습니다.

* 휴대폰과 이메일 인증, 둘 중에 하나만 인증해주세요.

The ASSIC Conference protects your personal information, and collects and utilizes your personal information only for the following purposes: registration, billing, and consultation. The personal information required for the operation of the event is not collected and used for any other purposes.

▪ Collection and Utilization of Personal Information
The collected personal information is as follows:
* Mandatorily required: email (Registration ID), password, name, affiliated company, position, & mobile phone number
* Additional payment information: credit card, etc.
    During the service, the following information can be automatically generated and collected.
* Service usage history, access logs, cookies, access IP information, etc.

▪ Purpose of Personal Information Collection and Utilization
The executive office of the ASSIC International Conference collects the necessary personal information for accepting and validating applications for registrations to the ASSIC International Conference.
① Collection of personal information for online service use
② Information management such as registration / payment / refund
③ Announcements and information for the conference

▪ Retention and Usage Period of Collected Information
The information is destroyed after the purpose of personal information collection and utilization is achieved.

▪ The ASSIC  International Conference provides personal and payment information to QRT Inc. (executive office of the ASSIC  International Conference), KCP(payment agency), and Management Company) for preparation and payment of events.

※ In order to register, you must agree to ASSIC Privacy policy
보유 및 이용기간
Name, ID, Password, E-mail
Cookies, Access history
(Accss date, access IP information, Access logs etc.)
- Membership service usage and
- Personal Identification
- Illegal usage monitoring and preventing
- Personal information for withdrawal of
members will be immediately destroyed.
(exception for separate database, related
statue and company policy)
- IP Storage for 3 months
(Information protection and data privacy
laws )
마케팅 및 프로모션
회원탈퇴 또는 정보 삭제 요청 시 즉시 파기
Name, ID, Password, E-mail
Cookies, Access history
(Accss date, access IP information, Access logs etc.)
- Membership service usage and
- Personal Identification
- Illegal usage monitoring and preventing
보유 및 이용기간
- Personal information for withdrawal of
members will be immediately destroyed.
(exception for separate database, related
statue and company policy)
- IP Storage for 3 months
(Information protection and data privacy
laws )
마케팅 및 프로모션
보유 및 이용기간
회원탈퇴 또는 정보 삭제 요청 시 즉시 파기
Sign-up Guide for iOS(iPhone)/Mac OS

If there is an error in the membership registration,
please send an email to